Group booking are a great way for you and your friends or family to save.
Because we save on travel time and costs, Hair Voyant loves sharing these savings with you with great
discounted rates on group bookings!
Whether it’s a couples booking or the whole family.
Having a day/night out? Get the gals and lads together, have a few drinks, talk, enjoy getting your hair done at the same time
as catching up, and having the luxury of being pampered by a great healing stylist!
A great idea for mums! Each help look after the little ones while you get your hair done! Free child care and fun for the little ones!.

A couple booking
Standard ladies
Standard gentleman
(+ Travel)
A family booking
Standard ladies
Standard gentleman
Standard high school
Standard child
(+ Travel)

Girls day/night out/in -
Standard is
(+ Travel)
A ladies colouring day -
Standard Cut and Colour
(+ Travel)
Minimum of 3
$50-80 each
$10 less each
Minimum of 2
$180 each
$160 each

Make your own personalised Group Booking:
Group discounts do not apply to makeup services.
For group bookings over $300 the hostess or the organiser can choose from our loyalty gift list as a thank you for your time to organise everyone and for having us!
First Cut full price
2nd Adult cut $10 off each and there after
2nd Students and Children cut $5 off each and there after
Girls day/night out/in! Or any group styling bookings (Minimum of 3).
Are $10 off each.
Ladies or Gentlemen getting together to colour
each receive $10 off each cut and colour service. So having both Cut and colour each is a $20 saving for every person!