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We are Intermittently Closed <3


To Our Valued Clients and Friends,

Another Happy New Year would be a great start being our first letter this year!  But Unfortunately due to the virus that is spreading our beautiful planet, and due to the nature of our job we must close down until further notice..  We would want to still be of service to you!  But I am sure you will agree, keeping you and your family safe, us and our families safe is a must, anything we 'the people' can do to prevent further spread is welcomed. 

There is loads of information available - I believe in always finding your own information as we could be mis lead if we always believe what we are told!

I don't need to go into detail here about the Coronavirus, but you can find information at the Ministry of Health website on the COVID - 19 VIRUS.

As fast as a virus can spread -

Love and Support and Happy Vibes can Spread Faster! 

A friend texted me this :

"I liked hearing today how the thymus gland in front of heart is so key to our immunity 

Love laughter joy keeping positive compassionate really protects us "

Love it!  As keeping us in lock down does too I suppose ...

Stay well and enjoy some home time while you have it! 

Blessings to you, esp those affected, and If you are fearful? a tip from me - turn off your TV, radio or ph for a lil bit, take a deep breath, know this will pass and please take care of one another!

Hugs and peace to all!  

Love from Adele and the HC team!  Jane, Jessica and Cushla! 

xoxoxoxo <3

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