Hi Everyone!
I hope you enjoy this letter..! Some news and bits on board!
Also wishing you all a great Easter break!
Much Love Adele Xo
"Hi All! Well I have to break some news, my plan was to come back to mobile part time ASAP, but this has not panned out as I expected. So for now I am continuing to work from home. This decision has not come easy for me.. I am now excepting it and starting to enjoy this time I'll never get back. So thank you again for your support & lucky for us Cushla is loving us all! :-)
Love Adele Xo

"Hi to everyone who I've met, its been 10 months now and I Love Love the job! Keep smiling especially after the Christchurch attack.. Share the Love, hugs, kisses, solidarity...take care of each other, be kind to each other, remember the three L's ...
So we can celebrate each other...
Love you all, happy easter, till we meet again xox"

Laureen and Mel have left us! :-0 I'm home alone, forced to grow up ;-) :-)
A HUGE THANK YOU to MEL for our amazing letters she created for us all! I and I feel i can speak for all of HC .. We'll miss you! But seriously mostly me ;-)
A HUGE THANK YOU to my sister LAUREEN for all her email support and general overseeing, often saying to me "have you ...." making sure I'd followed up on things.
Two very trusted and valued peers, thanks a mill !!
Laureen and Mel both have new job commitments and with being Mums.. A full load is a full load. XOXO

New Stuff! Ok the sorrows and the joys are done, now getting down to business - Well not really, Fun I say!? Our Blog page! (Thanks to a good friend who told me i needed too ;-) ) So for you that don't use FB here is where you can catch up on info you may have missed.. BLOG
But theres more! Not just changing nappies and cutting hair for me! I am going to continue the Hair Tips for you, but now I will have them on our Website! Have a look! HAIR TIPS
Cushla is now available some Friday's and Saturdays also!
In our next letter, we will have our make-up ladies info for you!
& there is a whisper of a promo night to spring us from Winter.
Thanks everyone for your support, this special time does not last long <3 Xo
I Hope this finds you well and happy and before Easter is over.. (If it was Mels letter - You would of had it on time ;-) ) Business is Business, Life is Life, Hair is Hair, but YOUR Hair could be anything you want! Remember Change is the only Constance of life ;-)
Great having you here! In the open minded community of HC filled with amazing individuals.
Until soon, Much Love
Adele Xo