Well Hello there!
I never thought I would be writing to you with this news! But with all on board I have decided that us butterfly's are to be free! We are all going solo.. YES don't panic! We will ALL still be operating! Hair dressing and Makeup! Just not under Hair Conveniently.. With a sad face and a bleep in my heart.. HC will be closing, It will be transitioning into Hair Voyant which is personal to myself Adele.
HC was extremely lucky to have such talented stylists!
We will all still be connected and work together from time to time but with HC closing you will need to contact your stylist directly (See details below)
It will take sometime to complete the close. The HC Website will remain active for a month or so. I would advise to keep a copy of this email, or if you loose it, you will find it on FB and Instagram with all of our forwarding details!
Jane for Hair is amazing and talented and a gem to be really lucky to find! We were so lucky to have her! If you are wanting to catch this beautiful butterfly for your hair needs she can be found here.. !
Jane for Hairdressing - Tawa and surrounding suburbs.
021 1642380
Jessica for Makeup is amazing and we were absolutely so lucky to have her on board with all her skills! If you have not seen her yet or experienced her work you can follow her, see her work and book her here.. !
Jessica Inkpen @ Inkpen Artistry for Makeup - Wellington based.
021 02937378
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/inkpenartistry/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/InkpenArtistry
Adele for Hair as you have most likely experienced my work and energy, can be found on the same HC phone nb and here.. !
Adele Murray @ Hair Voyant - Kapiti based.
027 3427771
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/adelemurrayhairvoyant/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HairdresserMedium
(I am yet to build these pages 😊 )
May the feelings of Hair Conveniently be left positive ones 😄 xo
A personal note from me Adele:
I never thought I would ever close HC.. I worked ever so long hours building it up, giving my heart, soul, time and energy.. for the greater good of all.. I was planning on coming back mobile everywhere, and keeping HC running for everyone with the grateful support from Jane and Jessica this was still possible, and then fulfilling my dream of operating and opening Hair Voyant.
As my life changed and I moved, I have had to reassess my life pie so to speak as it is too full.. I had to let something go, to fulfill my own professional dream and calling...
I have found in life when we are meant or needing to be going in a different direction things don't flow or work and this has been the case for me running HC for sometime now.
I am very sad to be sending this but for the reasons why and what I will be doing instead I am excited! I am sure I have your blessing and Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of Hair Conveniently and my personal journey! I've appreciated and enjoyed being a part of yours! 💖
If you stay subscribed I hope you will enjoy what I will be sharing with the transition of HC into Hair Voyant, and If you don't I fully understand! 💗
Much Love to you!
Adele xo 💜
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